Kenesaw Volunteer Fire Department
For KVFD NON-EMERGENCY, please contact the village office at 402-752-3222
For EMERGENCIES please call 911
KVFD has imposed a new policy as of March 4, 2024.
No one can remove any chairs, tables, etc from the Fire Hall.
You can rent the building and use the tables, chairs, etc there but NOTHING will leave the premises anymore.
Chief – Brandon Bockstadter
Asst. Chief – JR Pulver
1st Asst Chief – Dan Fischer
EMT Captain – Kari Legg
Civil Defense/Emergency Manager – Derek Nielsen
Asst. Civil Defense/Emergency Manager – Scott Enninga
President – Tim Schirmer
Vice President – Jarron Suck
Treasurer – Brent Parker
Secretary – Robin Stade
Upcoming Events at the KVFD Fire Hall

July 2016
New KVFD Sign! Thank you to Adams County Bank for the donated funds to purchase our new sign.
Photo: Mark Utter (ACB), John Hohlen (ACB), Brett Ehly (Fireman), Kari Legg (Fireman, EMT), Troy Legg (Fireman), Kim Ehly (Chief), Scott Enninga (Fireman), Dan Fischer (Fireman), Neel Keiser (ACB), Jerry Jacobsen (Fireman, EMT), and Brent Schleeman (Fireman, EMT).