What is the Nuisance Abatement Program?

The Nuisance Abatement Program Is All About INVESTING IN OUR COMMUNITY!  The program is designed to help our community deal with nuisances – properties that are safety hazards, reduce property valuations, and foster a negative image.

Kenesaw has appointed SCEDD as our Nuisance Officer. The Village’s Nuisance Ordinance is based on State Statutes, and addresses nuisance concerns that may include (see reverse for pictures):

  • Unlicensed and/or inoperable vehicles
  • Disassembled vehicle parts, including tires and batteries
  • Yard debris, including uncontrolled weeds/grass/trees, brush, broken branches, scrap cement/bricks/wood, etc.
  • Buildings in disrepair, including broken windows or doors
  • Outbuildings in disrepair
  • Vacant houses

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